30 days of Magic: #4 Meaning

Naturally we think that ‘finding meaning’ would be a good next step in this self exploration. However, instead of looking into your own meaning by directly seeking it out, I want you to look at the people and items around you to determine the meaning you give them. For example- my special coffee mug that I love even with all its cracks is cherished by me, but to my husband it is an old coffee mug that doesn’t keep anything warm. He would happily throw it out without a second thought. I give that mug its cherished meaning.

Try this: Sit down and identify 5 things in close proximity. Write down the meaning you give those things- cherish them due to a memory, elicit enjoyment due to their visual appeal, frustration because it never really works right, etc. Then identify someone else in your life (husband, child, friend, neighbor) and what meaning they would give the item. Note how different or the same these ‘meaning observations’ are. Decide after a full understanding of there standing if you should keep them (create joy, happiness, or function) or get rid of them (create frustration, anger, or sadness). *This is also a good tactic to declutter your home.*

Second: Identify 5 people in your life. Trying to be as objective as you can be- identify what you mean to these 5 people (or you can ask them). Why do people interact with you? Are you positive for others? Pay close attention to themes that run throughout these 5 people. Oftentimes our ‘lifelong meaning’ is found in elements that we are already naturally doing. See if you can cultivate any of these strengths for further drive and purpose.

My insights: I hold to the idea that everything you do should hold purpose. You should know why you are doing what you are doing and if it is positive for you. I often kick back and analyze my actions to see how I can be more effective and if I can change it to be more positive for myself and others.  

In the world: Take care of people and things in your life that hold meaning for you. If you find yourself not taking care of or being unkind to something/someone that you feel does hold meaning for you- there is an issue. Figure out how to better prioritize them/it or let it go knowing it is simply not that important to you.  

I would love to see who is going on this journey alongside me- so use the hashtag #30daysofMagic, tag me with @jessietherapy (facebook or instagram) , or message me so I can share your experience too.

See you in the blooms Friends!

– Jessie the Therapist

Photo by: Milan Popovic; Unsplash