30 days of Magic: #17 Hygge

It seems that the Danish have most things figured out- including comfortable and cozy environments. Or as they say ‘hygge’ which is creating a sense of content and well-being. Here are a few suggestions to make your home and life more hyggly. Candles: Light is…

30 days of Magic: #14 Smell

Our sense of smell is one of the strongest connected to memories. Smell can also help with focus and concentration. Here is your task today: Find a scent that motivates you, relaxes you, and one that makes you happy. My insights: As you can imagine…

30 days of Magic: #13 Dirt

When was the last time you got dirty? Like really dirty. Like so dirty you had to spray off with the hose before you went in the house dirty. Today is the day I want you to get dirty dirty. As adults we tend to…

30 days of Magic: #11 Calm & Purposeful

At times our ‘to do’ lists can feel like a panicked parade creating the feeling of being overwhelmed. Once that overwhelmed feeling takes over- nothing gets done. This song and dance can be very distressing. You find yourself in an avalanche of things you need…