30 days of Magic: #4 Meaning

Naturally we think that ‘finding meaning’ would be a good next step in this self exploration. However, instead of looking into your own meaning by directly seeking it out, I want you to look at the people and items around you to determine the meaning…

Avoid these mistakes for a better break up

  Spring and pre-winter holiday season has the highest rates of breakups all year. If you are going to break up with someone- at least be good at it. There is no need to prolong the pain on either side, or create more pain than…

Toxic people in your life

How do you know someone is toxic? You probably won’t realize it at first, but after a while you can see their patterns and how awful you feel after interactions with them. Here are the most common versions of toxic people and how to interact…

How to reinvent yourself

Just to be clear- this is not a ‘new year- new you’ thing. This is all about being the best version of yourself that you want to be. Not your mom’s version, or your boss’s, or your partner’s. It is about finding that fire in…

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