Sex Life Makeover: Part 2: Pleasure

Part 2: Pleasure Pleasure is defined as happy satisfaction and enjoyment. Pleasure within the context of sexuality includes sensual and playful touch, not just intercourse. Creating pleasure as a couple creates closeness, intimacy, and warmth. You both must be able to experience pleasurable touch in…

Avoid these mistakes for a better break up

  Spring and pre-winter holiday season has the highest rates of breakups all year. If you are going to break up with someone- at least be good at it. There is no need to prolong the pain on either side, or create more pain than…

How to reinvent yourself

Just to be clear- this is not a ‘new year- new you’ thing. This is all about being the best version of yourself that you want to be. Not your mom’s version, or your boss’s, or your partner’s. It is about finding that fire in…

How to stop being an emotional dumpster.

Some people are simply natural emotional dumpsters. Are you one of them? Others will unload all their feelings on you and feel better, but then you seem to be carrying the burden. You may feel like you are helping others (and you are) but you…

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