8 foolproof ways to not raise an a**hole

We have all met that one kid that we think to ourselves, “Wow, that kid is going to grow up to be an a**hole.” And personally I don’t want that to be my kid. So based on the characteristics of an entitled self absorbed adult…

Are your children killing your sex life?

Sometimes it is hard to think back to when sex could happen any time the mood hit you. Specifically it can be difficult with a spilled box of cereal on the floor, an old milk sippy cup we still can’t find (!), and all the…

How ‘Gas lighting’ is destroying you

‘Gas lighting’ is a manipulation tactic in which someone interacts with you in such a way that you start to question your perception of events, accuracy of memories, and even your sanity. And worse yet- you’re probably experiencing a degree of this right now. Here…

Why you need to embrace your crazy

The radio world is all abuzz with Taylor Swift’s new single ‘Look what you made me do’. From words of praise to statements of anger- the song is getting a lot of attention. I usually don’t care about the celebrity gossip, but I thought this…