30 days of Magic: #23 Journal Making

Yeah! Finally it is the journal day! You know therapists love journals and I am no exception. Today is the easiest set up, but more work on your end. Simply put: Get a journal. Write 2-3 sentences today. Rules: Don’t overwrite in it, you can…

30 days of Magic: #22 Purifying

Time to do a mindset cleanse. Here are the simple steps for purifying your head so that you feel just a little bit less foggy. Low tech day. Turn off your screens, even just for a few hours. Notice when you have the impulse to…

30 days of Magic: #21 Unstuck

No matter who you are and how successful you are- there is a place in your life that you feel a little stuck. Sit back and think about a area (even very small) that you feel needs a little growth and development. Then try a…

30 days of Magic: #20 Ethics

Ethics are moral principles that guide our actions and bracket behaviors into right versus wrong. Everyone’s ethics are a little different. It is important that you take the time to identify what ethics you have and what areas you still need to develop. This exercise…