Yup- that moment when your mature, sophisticated big kid starts crawling around, talking baby talk. One of the most frustrating moments of any parents life. But believe it or not, it is completely normal but should not be ignored. Here is why it may be…
Author: Jessie Shepherd, LCMHC/LPC
Jessie Shepherd is a Mental Health Counselor and owner of Blue Clover Therapy in Utah and Texas. She has a Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Phoenix and a Bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of Utah. Her focus is treating trauma, eating disorders and adjustment issues in adults, adolescents, children and their families. Jessie is the author of the “What Mental Disorder?” book series and has been featured in print and television throughout the region with regular appearances on Fox’s The Place and Park City Television. On a personal note she enjoys spending time with her husband and three children recreating outdoors. She is also a coach for the Cedar Valley Mountain Bike Team. Jessie believes in individual and family involvement to better the lives of everyone in our community.
FOX 13’s The Place: Ghosts
28% of college students say they have had a paranormal experience. 3 out of 4 people harbor a ‘paranormal belief’ – The brain tries to make sense and create patterns of information that is muddled. – Own brain is specifically seeking out faces. Mars face…
GYT Show: S03: E05: Who’s a creep
Who is a creep? How do we determine creepiness? Jackson & Jessie discuss it.
GYT Show: S03: E04: Pet Ownership
Jessie Shepherd & Jackson Carter Discuss pet ownership.